Natural born leader.
Trademark slogan: “Follow me, this is going to be good”
Favorite quote: The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. -Ayn Rand-
The following is all true.
So, here’s how cool I am…my first computer geek job was for NASA. When I was a kid I sat in the very first prototype Delorean DMC-12. On the set of my earliest professional film production I got to drive a hand-built 1987 Corvette for the day (and this was in 1986). While mountain biking in Montana I narrowly missed colliding with a full-grown Moose. I’ve dibbled my nibblies with Beluga whales in the Hudson Bay. I’ve witnessed the loading of a nuclear missile in South Dakota. All this combined with an obsessive need to learn more and always see what’s over the next hill has made me a creative powerhouse.
I’m just a guy. A guy trying to not to stumble too much through life.
I like to shoot things. Whether it’s with a camera or a gun I’m not really concerned. OK, a little concerned. I mean, I don’t want to shoot hot chicks with guns. OK, unless the hot chick is holding the gun and I’m holding a camera, but I digress.
I strongly believe that all clay pigeons must die and I’m on a relentless quest to rid this planet of their existence.
I strongly believe that part of the human soul is captured in every photograph. How much of that soul depends on how good the photographer truly is.
I want to grow up and become that old man sitting around the fire telling amazing stories of the good old days.
I have a serious addiction/compulsion about having to see what’s over that next hill.
If I can laugh at it, I will. If I should cry, I’ll probably laugh.
How it all started:
My mother was an illustrator for Hallmark and my father was a chemical/plastics engineer for DeLorean Motor Company. As their spawn I have successfully been able to bridge the gap between their left and right brain lives…and I’ve done this with the help of computers.
From my father I got the ability to learn things very quickly. It’s a matter of being able to see and understand the system of whatever puzzle I’m studying and then apply the necessary logic creatively.
From my mother I got an obsessive need to make sure all the paintings are hanging straight and an appreciation of color and design balance.
Things are not as they seem…
When I was a little boy I loved boxes. Brand new appliances in our house meant that I had a new fort or a spaceship for the next week. Shoe boxes became secret caves for my superhero figures. I like boxes. There is more of a challenge to think your way out. All you need to do is crawl in the box with some markers and a pair of scissors and pretty soon you have a new castle to defend from that dangerous cat that roams the house. Now that I am bigger my favorite box is the shower. I get my greatest inspiration in the shower. Think outside the box? Nah, I think inside the shower.
I was born a problem-solver, a modifier, and a story-teller. These talents allow me to analyze systems and reconfigure them fit my own needs or to make them more efficient. And that system could be a piece of software, the structure of a website, or the story a brand tells its market.